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The Hermit's Cave: The Nameless Day (Radio Show)

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The Hermit's Cave

(Old Radio Show)

The Nameless Day

Harden Willgen is a greedy man who has definite plans to be a millionaire within just three years. He won’t manage it by sharing though, so he waits until his business partner, Stanley Crayton, has perfected their new invention and then Willgen murders him.

Once Crayton is dead Willgen strips the body bare of all identification and dumps it in the swamp. Crayton had no family; there is nobody to miss him or to identify the body; so upon his arrival at the morgue Crayton becomes John Doe no.9 and is given a one way ticket to the potter’s field.
The morgue attendant does not think that any man who is buried as John Doe will be able to rest easy and, in this case, the attendant is right. John Doe no.9 may be dead, but he is driven by a desire to get even, so his gets up off the slab and goes in search of his partner.

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