Old Radio Shows

Out of the Past (A Story from The Sealed Book)

Once again the Keeper of the Book has opened the ponderous door to the secret vault wherein is kept The Great Sealed Book, in which is recorded all the secrets and mysteries of mankind through the ages. This time, he has found the strange tale of a dying man, told on his deathbed.

Out of the Past is a story of madness and horror that begins at 5 O’clock in the afternoon. Helen Morgan has just received the afternoon mail and is about to open it when her husband, Gerald, arrives home. He is a successful actor, but he does not have as much money as his wealthy wife and is determined they should live on his earnings; so he is a little worried when he opens the bill for their hotel suite and realizes that they are living out of their means.

Helen does not share her husband’s concerns, they have over $500,000 in their joint account, and she reminds him of this fact, but soon has other things to worry about when she opens the letter she has just received. ‘A friend from England’ is demanding $25,000 and threatening to ‘take action’ if they do not receive it by 2 O’clock the following day.

Helen has a secret past. The writer of the letter is obviously aware of this, so, fearing that she could lose Gerald if the truth were to come out, she pays up.

Helen’s money only buys her a little time. Soon the blackmailer wants $50,000, and she has to pay again. Then, a week later, he wants every penny she has got, and the added pressure causes Helen to have a mental breakdown; so, one way or another, her life with Gerald is over. It’s all very sad, but the real tragedy of the matter only becomes apparent when the identity of her blackmailer is revealed.

The Keeper of The Great Book might consider this to be ‘a story of madness and horror’ but I think it is probably better described as a crime story. If you want to hear it for yourself and formulate your own opinions, just allow your cursor to mosey on down to the play button below, and give it a tap.

The Sealed Book: Out of the Past

(Listen to the Full Episode)