Public Domain Horror Stories

This section of the site contains public domain horror stories, ghost stories, dark fairy tales, and texts of a similar nature.

Public domain refers to the body of creative works and knowledge in which no person, government or organization has any proprietary interest such as a copyright. These works are considered part of the public cultural heritage and may be freely used by all.

Most of the texts in this section are short stories, but there are also a few online books, along with some poetry and essays.  I read every text before adding it to the site, check for obvious errors, and provide supplementary information where possible.

A Note About Navigating This Page

This a long page that contains many links to public domain horror stories. All the horror stories are grouped by the author’s surname. The long row of letters below is intended to ease the process of navigation and reduce the necessity for a lot of scrolling of the page. So if you want to find Bram Stoker, for example, clicking on the letter “S” for “Stoker” will take you directly to the section of the page that contain all the authors whose surname begins with the letter S. A similar row of letters is used 26 times to mark each of the sections of the page.

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John Aikin

Sir Bertrand



William Harrison Ainsworth

The Spectre Bride



J. Y. Akerman

The Miniature




A Fight with a Ghost

A Misfit Ghost

A Phantom Toe

An Unbidden Guest


Ghost of Buckstown Inn

Grand-Dame’s Ghost Story

How He Caught the Ghost

Sandy’s Ghost

The Burglar’s Ghost

The Fiend (Russian Fairy Tale)

The Ghost of a Live Man

The Ghost of Washington

The Ghosts of Red Creek

The Old Mansion

The Parlor-Car Ghost

The Phantom Hag

The Phantom Woman

The Story of Clifford House

The Witch Girl (Russian Fairy Tale)



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Louisa Baldwin

How He Left the Hotel

Many Waters Cannot Quench Love

The Real and the Counterfeit

The Shadow on the Blind

The Uncanny Bairn



Honoré de Balzac

La Grande Breteche



John Kendrick Bangs

A Midnight Visitor

A Psychical Prank

A Quicksilver Cassandra

The Ghost Club

The Speck on the Lens

The Spectre Cook of Bangletop

The Water Ghost of Harrowby Hall



Sabine Baring-Gould

A Dead Finger

A Happy Release

A Professional Secret

Aunt Joanna

Black Ram

Colonel Halifax’s Ghost Story



Jean Bouchon

Little Joe Gander



On The Leads

Pomps and Vanities

The 9.30 Up-Train

The “Bold Venture”

The Book of Were-Wolves (non-fiction)

The Leaden Ring

The Merewigs

The Mother of Pansies

The Red-Haired Girl

The White Flag



Robert Barr


The Man Who Was Not on the Passenger List



E. F. Benson

A Tale of an Empty House

And No Bird Sings

And the Dead Spake

At Abdul Ali’s Grave

At the Farmhouse

Bagnell Terrace

Between the Lights


Christopher Comes Back



Gavon’s Eve

Home, Sweet Home

How Fear Departed from the Long Gallery

In the Tube

Inscrutable Decrees

James Lamp



Mr. Tilly’s Séance

Mrs Amworth

Naboth’s Vineyard

Negotium Perambulans

Outside the Door



Roderick’s Story


The Bath-Chair

The Bus-Conductor

The Cat

The China Bowl

The Confession of Charles Linkworth

The Corner House

The Dance

The Dust-Cloud

The Face

The Gardener

The Hanging of Alfred Wadham

The Horror-Horn

The House with the Brick-Kiln

The Man Who Went Too Far

The Other Bed

The Psychical Mallards

The Room in the Tower

The Sanctuary

The Shootings of Achnaleish

The Step

The Temple

The Terror by Night

The Thing in the Hall

The Wishing-Well

Thursday Evenings



R. H. Benson

Consolatrix Afflictorum

Father Macclesfield’s Tale

Over the Gateway

Poena Damni

The Blood-Eagle

The Green Robe

The Watcher



Ambrose Bierce

A Baby Tramp

A Baffled Ambuscade

A Cold Greeting

A Diagnosis of Death

A Fruitless Assignment

A Holy Terror

A Jug of Sirup

A Man With Two Lives

A Psychological Shipwreck

A Resumed Identity

A Tough Tussle

A Vine on a House

A Watcher by the Dead

A Wireless Message

An Adventure at Brownville

An Arrest

An Heiress from Redhorse

An Inhabitant of Carcosa

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

An Unfinished Race

At Old Man Eckert’s

Beyond the Wall

Charles Ashmore’s Trail

Haïta the Shepherd

John Bartine’s Watch

John Mortonson’s Funeral

Moxon’s Master

One of Twins

One Summer Night

Present at a Hanging

Staley Fleming’s Hallucination

The Applicant

The Boarded Window

The Damned Thing

The Death of Halpin Frayser

The Difficulty of Crossing a Field

The Eyes of the Panther

The Famous Gilson Bequest

The Haunted Valley

The Isle of Pines

The Man and the Snake

The Man Out of the Nose

The Middle Toe of the Right Foot

The Moonlit Road

The Night-Doings at “Deadman’s”

The Other Lodgers

The Realm of the Unreal

The Secret of Macarger’s Gulch

The Spook House

The Stranger

The Suitable Surroundings

The Thing at Nolan

Three and One are One

Two Military Executions



Algernon Blackwood

A Case of Eavesdropping

A Haunted Island

A Suspicious Gift

Accessory Before the Fact

Ancient Lights

Dream Trespass

Keeping His Promise

May Day Eve

Skeleton Lake: An Episode in Camp

Smith: An Episode in a Lodging House

The Deferred Appointment

The Empty House

The Kit-Bag

The Occupant of the Room

The Prayer

The Sea Fit

The Second Generation

The Tryst

The Whisperers

The Willows (Novella)

The Woman’s Ghost Story

The Wood of the Dead

With Intent to Steal



Mary Elizabeth Braddon

At Chrighton Abbey

The Cold Embrace

The Shadow in the Corner



Rhoda Broughton

The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth



Robert Browning

Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came (Poem)



Gottfried August Bürger

Lenore (Gothic Ballad)



George Gordon Byron (Lord Byron)

Fragment (of a horror story)



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Bernard Capes

A Ghost-Child

A Voice From the Pit

An Eddy on the Floor

The Black Reaper

The Marble Hands

The Thing in the Forest

The Vanishing House

The Widow’s Clock



Alexandre Chatrian

See Erckmann-Chatrian




The Crab Spider

The Invisible Eye

The Owl’s Ear



Mary Cholmondeley

Let Loose



Samuel Taylor Coleridge


The Rime of the Ancient Mariner



Wilkie Collins

Miss Jéromette and the Clergyman

The Haunted Hotel (Online Book)

The Traveler’s Story of a Terribly Strange Bed



Dinah Maria Mulock Craik (Mrs Craik)

A Dreadful Ghost

The Last House in C—- Street



F. Marion Crawford

For the Blood is the Life

The Screaming Skull

The Upper Berth



Bithia Mary Croker

To Let



Elizabeth Gilbert Cunningham-Terry

At the Witching Hour



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Daniel Defoe

The Apparition of Mrs. Veal



Olivia Howard Dunbar

The Shell of Sense



Charles Dickens

A Child’s Dream of a Star

A Christmas Carol

The Black Veil

The Signal-Man

The Trial For Murder (aka To be Taken With a Grain of Salt)



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Amelia B. Edwards

No. 5 Branchline: The Engineer’s Story

The Four-Fifteen Express

The Phantom Coach

Was it an Illusion? A Parson’s Story



Émile Erckmann

See Erckmann-Chatrian



Hans Heinz Ewers

The Spider



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Anatole France

The Mass of Shadows



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Richard Le Gallienne

The Haunted Orchard



Elizabeth Gaskell

The Old Nurse’s Story



Théophile Gautier


The Mummy’s Foot



Charlotte Perkins Gilman

The Yellow Wallpaper



Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The Bride of Corinth (Poem)



Victoria Glad

Each Man Kills



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Augustus Hare

The Vampire of Croglin Grange



William F. Harvey

Across the Moors

August Heat

The Beast with Five Fingers



Robert Stephen Hawker

The Botathen Ghost



Nathaniel Hawthorne

Feathertop: A Moralized Legend



James Hogg

The Mysterious Bride



Tom Hood

The Shadow of a Shade



Robert E. Howard

People of the Dark



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Washington Irving

The Adventure of the German Student

The Adventure of the Mysterious Picture

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow



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Joseph Jacobs

Childe Rowland (Folk Tale)



W. W. Jacobs

In the Library

Jerry Bundler

Over the Side

The Brown Man’s Servant

The Monkey’s Paw

The Toll-House

The Vigil

The Well

Three at Table



Henry James

The Altar of the Dead

The Friends of the Friends

The Romance of Certain Old Clothes

The Turn of the Screw (Online Book)


M.R. James

A Neighbour’s Landmark

A School Story

A View from a Hill

A Vignette

A Warning to the Curious

After Dark in the Playing Fields

An Episode of Cathedral History

Casting the Runes

Canon Alberic’s Scrap-book

Count Magnus

Lost Hearts

Martin’s Close

Mr Humphreys and His Inheritance

Number 13

‘Oh, Whistle and I’ll Come to You, My Lad’


The Ash Tree

The Diary of Mr Poynter

The Experiment – A New Years’ Eve Ghost Story

The Haunted Dolls’ House

The Malice of Inanimate Objects

The Mezzotint

The Residence at Whitminster

The Rose Garden

The Stalls of Barchester Cathedral

The Story of a Disappearance and an Appearance

The Tractate Middoth

The Treasure of Abbot Thomas

The Uncommon Prayer-Book

There was a Man Dwelt by a Churchyard

Two Doctors

Wailing Well



Jerome K. Jerome

The Man of Science



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Joseph Rudyard Kipling

At the End of the Passage

The Mark of the Beast

The Phantom ‘Rickshaw



Leopold Kompert

The Silent Woman



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Vernon Lee

A Wicked Voice



J.S. Le Fanu

A Debt of Honor

An Account of Some Strange Disturbances in Aungier Street


Catherine’s Quest

Devereux’s Dream

Dickon the Devil

Doctor Feversham’s Story

Ghost Stories of Chapelizod (Story Collection)

The Village Bully

The Sexton’s Adventure

The Spectre Lovers


Madam Crowl’s Ghost

Pichon & Sons, of the Croix Rousse

Squire Toby’s Will

Stories of Lough Guir (5 collected tales)

The Magician Earl

Moll Rial’s Adventure

The Banshee

The Governess’s Dream

The Earl’s Hall

The Child That Went With the Fairies

The Drunkard’s Dream

The Ghost and the Bone-Setter

The Phantom Fourth

The Secret of the Two Plaster Casts

The Spirit’s Whisper

The Vision of Tom Chuff

The White Cat of Drumgunniol

What Was It? — often attributed to J. S. Le Fanu in error. See Fitz James O’Brien



Eleanor F. Lewis

The Vengeance of a Tree



Frederick George Loring

The Tomb of Sarah



H.P. Lovecraft

Azathoth (Fragment)

Beyond the Wall of Sleep


Cool Air


Ex Oblivione

From Beyond


Herbert West: Reanimator


Imprisoned with the Pharaohs (aka Under the Pyramids)

In the Vault

Literary Composition (essay)


Old Bugs

Pickman’s Model


Supernatural Horror in Literature (essay)

The Alchemist

The Beast in the Cave

The Call of Cthulhu

The Descendant (Fragment)

The Doom that Came to Sarnath

The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath (novella)

The Festival

The Horror at Red Hook

The Hound

The Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family

The Lurking Fear

The Moon-Bog

The Music of Erich Zann

The Nameless City

The Other Gods

The Outsider

The Picture in the House

The Quest of Iranon

The Rats in the Walls

The Shunned House

The Silver Key

The Statement of Randolph Carter

The Strange High House in the Mist

The Street

The Temple

The Terrible Old Man

The Tomb

The Transition of Juan Romero

The Tree

The Unnamable

The White Ship



Edward Bulwer Lytton

The Haunted and the Haunters



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Arthur Machen

The Bowmen

The Great God Pan

The Inmost Light

The White People



George MacDonald

Uncle Cornelius, His Story



Francis Oscar Mann

The Devil in a Nunnery



Frederick Marryat

The White Wolf of the Hartz Mountains



Brander Matthews

The Rival Ghosts



Guy de Maupassant



Mademoiselle Cocotte

On the River

Terror (Poem)

The Apparition

The Devil

The Diary of a Madman

The Flayed Hand

The Grave

The Hand

The Horla

The Terror

The Tomb

Who Knows?



Prosper Mérimée

The Venus of Ille



Richard Middleton

And Who Shall Say—?

Blue Blood

Children of the Moon

On the Brighton Road

Shepherd’s Boy

The Bird in the Garden

The Coffin Merchant

The Conjurer

The Ghost-Ship

The Passing of Edward



Thomas Street Millington

No Living Voice



Thomas Moore

The Ring (Poem)



Hector Hugh Munro

Sredni Vashtar

The Music on the Hill



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Jan Neruda

The Vampire



E. Nesbit

From the Dead

In the Dark

John Charrington’s Wedding

Man-Size in Marble

The Ebony Frame

The Haunted Inheritance

The House of Silence

The Mass for the Dead

The Mystery of the Semi-Detached

The Power of Darkness

Uncle Abraham’s Romance



Hume Nisbet

The Vampire Maid



Amyas Northcote

Brickett Bottom



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Fitz James O’Brien

The Bohemian

The Lost Room

What Was It?



Vincent O’Sullivan

The Interval

When I Was Dead



Heinrich August Ossenfelder

Der Vampir (Early Vampire Poem)



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Charles Perrault

The Popular Story of Blue Beard



Elia W. Peattie

A Child of the Rain

A Grammatical Ghost

A Spectral Collie

An Astral Onion

From the Loom of the Dead

On the Northern Ice

Story of an Obstinate Corpse

Story of the Vanishing Patient

The House of the Evil Thought

The House That Was Not

The Piano Next Door

The Shape of Fear

Their Dear Little Ghost



Phlegon of Tralless

Philinnion and Machates



Edgar Allan Poe







MS Found in a Bottle

Shadow – a Parable

Silence – a Fable (Siope – a Fable)

The Assignation (The Visionary)

The Black Cat

The Cask of Amontillado

The Fall of the House of Usher

The Man That Was Used Up

The Masque of the Red Death

The Oval Portrait

The Pit and the Pendulum

The Raven (Poem)

The Sleeper (Poem)

The Tell-Tale Heart

William Wilson



John William Polidori

The Vampyre



F. H. Power

The Electric Vampire



Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin

The Queen of Spades



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Ernst Raupach

Wake Not the Dead



Charlotte Riddell

A Strange Christmas Game

The Last Squire of Ennsimore

The Old House in Vauxhall Walk

The Open Door

Walnut-Tree House



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Saki is a pen name. Go to the listing for H. H. Munro



Frederick P. Schrader

Mrs. Davenport’s Ghost



Sir Walter Scott

The Tapestried Chamber

Wandering Willie’s Tale



Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

Frankenstein (Online Book)

The Mortal Immortal




John Stagg

The Vampyre



Eric Stenbock (Count Stenbock)

The True Story of a Vampire



Robert Louis Stevenson


The Body Snatcher

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (Online Book)



Bram Stoker

A Dream of Red Hands

A Gipsy Prophecy

Crooken Sands

Dracula (Online Book)

Dracula’s Guest

The Burial of the Rats

The Coming of Abel Behenna

The Crystal Cup

The Judge’s House

The Secret of the Growing Gold

The Squaw



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William Makepeace Thackeray

The Devil’s Wager

The Story of Mary Ancel



Mark Twain

A Ghost Story



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At the moment, the site does not have any public domain horror stories in this category (author’s surname begins with “U”).



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At the moment, the site does not have any public domain horror stories in this category (author’s surname begins with “V”).



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Hugh Walpole

Mrs. Lunt

The Little Ghost

The Silver Mask

The Tarn

The Twisted Inn

Seashore Macabre



Edith Wharton


The House of the Dead Hand



H. G. Wells

A Moth—Genus Novo

In the Abyss

Pollock and the Porroh Man

The Cone

The Flowering of a Strange Orchid

The Plattner Story

The Red Room



Oscar Wilde

The Picture of Dorian Gray (Online Book)



Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman

A Far-Away Melody

A Gentle Ghost

A Symphony in Lavender

Luella Miller

The Hall Bedroom

The Little Maid at the Door
The Lost Ghost

The Shadows on the Wall

The Southwest Chamber

The Twelfth Guest

The Vacant Lot

The Wind in the Rose-Bush



Mrs. Henry Wood

David Garth’s Ghost

David Garth’s Night-Watch

Reality or Delusion

The Ghost

The Punishment of Gina Montani



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At the moment, the site does not have any public domain horror stories in this category (author’s surname begins with “X”).



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At the moment, the site does not have any public domain horror stories in this category (author’s surname begins with “Y”).



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At the moment, the site does not have any public domain horror stories in this category (author’s surname begins with “Z”).
