Public Domain Movies

Public Domain Movie: Black Dragons (1942)

Black Dragons Review

If you are a fan of Bela Lugosi, you will probably want to watch his Black Dragons movie. If you are not, you may want to think twice about wasting your time on it. Lugosi is suitably sinister but his presence is the only redeeming feature in this pointless spy-yarn set just before the second World War.

The dialogue is unbelievably unbelievable. A lot of it is delivered in a manner that is so wooden it would make Pinocchio proud and little in the way of explanation is offered about what is happening and why.

The whys and wherefores  are finally revealed at the end of the movie, but you may find it wasn’t worth the wait. Fortunately the whole shebang is over and done with in little more than an hour.

Bela Lugosi in Black Dragons (Movie Poster)
Bela Lugosi – Black Dragons: Movie Poster

Additional Information

Director: William Nigh


Joan Barclay … Alice Saunders
George Pembroke … Dr. William Saunders

Clayton Moore … FBI Agent Richard (Dick) Martin
Robert Frazer … Amos Hanlin
Edward Peil Sr. … Ryder
Robert Fiske … Phillip Wallace
Irving Mitchell … John Van Dyke
Kenneth Harlan … FBI Chief Colton
Max Hoffman Jr. … Kearney
Frank Melton … FBI agent
Joseph Eggenton … Stevens, the butler

Dr. Melcher … Bela Lugosi
I. Stanford Jolley … The Dragon