Old Radio Shows

Inner Sanctum Mysteries: The Colour Blind Formula

The Colour Blind Formula begins by introducing Richard Fenna, who is travelling on a train. Fenna has just been acquitted of murder because the police could not find a body and, as the New England landscape flashes past the window, he sits alone reading a newspaper, while the suspicion of a smile forms on his lips.

Richard is reading an article about a missing colleague, Professor Sentaug. The professor was developing a formula that would enable colour blind people to see reds and greens in the same way normal people see them. Sentaug had nearly perfected his formula but now, like Sentaug, the work is lost. Or is it? It would seem that only Richard can answer that question.

Inner Sanctum Mysteries: The Colour Blind Formula

(Listen to the Full Episode)

(Listen to the Full Episode)