Old Radio Shows

Inner Sanctum Mysteries: The Skull That Walked

The Skull That Walked begins by introducing Carl Cruise and his wife Lucille, who are busy digging a hole near to the entrance to the family estate because they plan to plant a row of poplar trees on either side of the road.

While they are working, their caretaker, Spears, strolls up to them and he looks worried. Apparently, the Cruises are digging on an old Indian burial ground and there is a curse on it. Carl is not impressed by this and he tells Spears that he does not go in for superstition. Moments later, his spade hits something solid, and it’s not a stone, it’s a human skull. “Please, put it back,” Spears begs. “It will bring bad luck.” But Carl does not put it back and within just seconds the trio hears a scream from Spears’ wife Mary. She has fallen out of a window and is dead.

Carl still refuses to believe in the power of the curse, but when the skull begins rolling around the house and even manages to escape from a locked cupboard, Carl reconsiders and buries the Skull again. Unfortunately, it comes back.

Inner Sanctum Mysteries: The Skull That Walked

(Listen to the Full Episode)

(Listen to the Full Episode)