Old Radio Shows

Inner Sanctum Mysteries: The Voice on the Wire

The Voice on the Wire is an Inner Sanctum mystery set on a long, narrow island. Mrs Geraldine Reeves lives there alone in a gaunt, gray-shingled house.

Geraldine is the widow of the late composer David Reeves. Her house stands just a few hundred yards away from the charred remains of her former home, where David was burned to death in a fire two years previously.

It’s just after dinner when the episode begins. The clock the hall is striking eight and Geraldine is waiting for the music to begin playing. She hears it every night—the last tune her husband was working on before he died—and the music sounds to be coming from the burnt down house. Then the phone rings. When Geraldine picks it up the voice on the other end of the line tells her, “You have four hours to live, Mrs. Reeves. Just four hours.”

“The Voice on the Wire” is based on a story written by Robert Sloan and the American actress Lesley Woods stars as Geraldine. Don’t be surprised if the story sounds familiar because it would appear to be based on the same script as another episode of Inner Sanctum Mysteries—”The Fog“.

Inner Sanctum Mysteries: The Voice on the Wire

(Listen to the Full Episode)

(Listen to the Full Episode)